European News

20/10/2014 NEAR2 Final Steering Committee Meeting in Moscow

The Final Steering Committee Meeting was held by the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering in Moscow, Russia on the 20/10/2014, in the Holiday Inn Moscow Suschevsky Hotel. It was mentioned that now, the Trans-Eurasian landbridge is much better represented in EURNEX. There was particular emphasis on the need for research in order to improve the Trans-Eurasian railway landbridge. The LP proceeded with her presentation on the achieved results. Her presentation specifically included the following:

  • Brief information on the project, correlating objectives and achieved results;
  • The NEAR2 Network and its members;
  • The online inventory on capabilities and competencies;
  • The WGs formulated in the framework of the project;
  • A brief presentation of the Final Publication, its structure and content;
  • Conclusions drawn throughout the project in general and during the formulation of the publication in particular.

All the partners agreed on sending comments to the Final Publication, so that a 16-page publication can be produced to represent the main findings of the project and the main needs of the Trans-Eurasian landbridge. For further information, please visit the project’s official web site at: