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Privacy Statement:
HELLENIC TRAIN ensures the protection and safety of your personal data. It collects and processes only the information you provide us and which is necessary to satisfy your requests with transparency based on the principles of legitimacy, proportionality, confidentiality and integrity, purpose limitation and accuracy, specified retention period of data and data minimization.
HELLENIC TRAIN records your data in its database in order to be able to contact you for the satisfaction of your requests or in the context of sample customer satisfaction surveys for quality measurements, and does not process them any further, unless processing is required by law/ in the scope of legal claims.
HELLENIC TRAIN does not disclose your data any further but may transfer them to any of the companies of OSE Group, if your claim/ request is not relevant to TRAINOSE responsibilities, as well as to third parties as long as it is foreseen by law or is necessary for the satisfaction of your request.