European News

2/4/2015 FUTUREMED: 2nd National Stakeholder Platform Meeting

The 2nd National Stakeholder Platform Meeting that was organized under the FUTUREMED project, took place on April 2nd in Athens. FUTUREMED is a project under the MED Programme dedicated to enhancing the competitiveness of port-hinterland systems of the Med Area by addressing three strategic sectors: freight, passenger and touristic traffics.

The FUTUREMED National Stakeholder Platform established on the 6th of April 2014 and constitutes a national mechanism for guiding the actions of the FUTUREMED Project under the coordination of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism and the participation of the Greek partners of the project – TRAINOSE S.A., The Port Authority of Thessaloniki and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH).

The objective of the meeting was the state of the implementation of the Maritime Single Window in Greece in view of the forthcoming implementation of the proposed EU Directive 65/2010 in June 2015.

At the meeting attended representatives of the Hellenic Ministry of Mercantile Marine, the Hellenic Ministry of Finance (Customs Directorate), the Greek Ports Association, TRAINOSE and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH).

For more information about the FUTUREMED Project, please visit the project’s official web site at: