Research and Development

New cOoperatiVe business modEls and guidance for sustainable city LOGistics



Program:HORIZON 2020



Duration:36 months

Description:36 months

The NOVELOG project focuses on the enabling of knowledge and understanding of freight distribution and service trips by providing guidance for implementing effective and sustainable policies and measures. This guidance will support the choice of the most optimal and applicable solutions for urban freight and service transport and will facilitate stakeholder collaboration and the development, field testing and transfer of best governance and business models.

The objectives are set as follows:

  • Το understand, assess and capture current needs and trends in Urban Freight Transport, revealing the reasons for failures in city logistics implementations and to identify the key influencing factors and develop future Sustainable Urban logistics scenarios.
  • To enable determination of optimum policies and measures, based on city typologies and objectives, link them to tailored business models and test and validate them.
  • To develop a modular integrated evaluation framework for city logistics that will portray the complexity of the life cycle of UFT systems and implement it to assess the effectiveness of the policies and measures.
  • To incorporate the best fitting policies and measures in integrated urban planning and SUMPs at local level, focusing on, facilitating and guiding multi-stakeholder cooperation for improved policy making.
  • To field test, implement and validate all the above, in selected EU cities, and demonstrate applicability and sustainability of the tools and ensure the continuity of the impacts by creating and establishing take-up strategies and roadmaps for the best city logistics solutions.

Official site:


Budget:4.413.842 €

TRAINOSE:61.875 €

Financing:100% European funds


  • Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Hellenic Institute of Transport – Coordinator (Greece)
  • Newrail, Centre for Railway Research at Newcastle University (United Kingdom)
  • European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization – Intelligent Transport Systems and Services Europe (Belgium)
  • POLIS, Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services, Association Internationale (Belgium)
  • Institute for Transport and Logistics (Italy)
  • PANTEIA BV (Netherlands)
  • Maritime University of Szczecin (Poland)
  • Venice International University (Italy)
  • Center for Innovation in Transport / Technical University of Catalonia (Spain)
  • D'Appolonia SPA (Italy)
  • BIM Mobility consulting and Engineering (Austria)
  • University of Thessaly (Greece)
  • Centre for transport and logistics / Universita degli study di Roma La Sapienza (Italy)
  • IRU Projects ASBL (Belgium)
  • Renault SAS (France)
  • TRAINOSE S.A. (Greece)
  • K+N S.A. (Greece)
  • Emilia Romagna Region (Italy)
  • City of Graz (Austria)
  • Development Agency of the Municipality of Athens (Greece)
  • City of Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • Municipality of Barcelona (Spain)
  • Mobility Agency of Rome (Italy)
  • City of Pisa (Italy)
  • London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (United Kingdom)
  • City of Gothenburg (Sweden)
  • City of Mechelen (Belgium)
  • City of Turin (Italy)