Ευρωπαικά Νέα

1- 2/10/2013 ACROSSEE 2nd Steering Committee Meeting

The second Steering Committee meeting was held in Tirana on 1-2 October 2013. The hosting partner, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Albania, along with the LP(CEI) welcomed the partners. The representative of the Central European Initiative presented the state of art of the project and highlighted the importance of two issues, achieving the traffic counts and request for other data. In more detail:
  • The following weeks are crucial for WP4 and especially for the transport model to be produced. The deadline for the 2nd phase of gathering data for the model is set to the end of November. The model will be presented on 11 of November to the partners, before the Ministerial Conference in Trieste
  • Road and rail traffic counts at Border Crossings and surveys on selected Ports have been concluded
  • Interports’ surveys, Cross Border Points and Transport Commodities surveys are still to be concluded
Further information was given on the upcoming events, such as the workshop at the European Parliament and the Ministerial Conference to be organised in November 2013 in Trieste. For more information, please visit the project’s official web site at: