Ευρωπαικά Νέα
29/4/2014 FUTUREMED Practitioner Workshop
TRAINOSE organized on Tuesday April 29th at its headquarters in Athens a meeting to present the pilot application of TRAINOSE - THPA electronic visibility platform developed under the FUTUREMED Project (Freight and passengers sUpporting infomobiliTy systems for a sUstainable impRovEment of the competitiveness of port-hinterland systems of the MED).
FUTUREMED is a strategic project under the MED project that aims to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by improving accessibility through technology and proceduralinnovations. As part of this project, TRAINOSE develops an online visibility platform with THPA for managing transfer requests which is going to be implemented at the corridor “Thessaloniki – Sofia” for container transfer and at the corridor “Thessaloniki – Skopje” for bulk transfer.
At the meeting attended representatives of the Hellenic Institute of Transport, partner of the FUTUREMED project, and representatives of shipping agents and of transport and logistics companies.
During the meeting, a presentation about the FUTUREMED Project was given by HIT/CERTH and another one describing the pilot application by TRAINOSE. Finally, an extensive discussion took place with comments and recommendation for the optimization of the pilot application.
For further information concerning FUTUREMED Project, please visit project’s official website at:
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